Step 1
Use this excel template to import. All the required fields are in bold. They are the MSKU, Product ID, Product Type, Price, Quantity, Condition, Condition Note, Min Price, and Max Price. However, If you are listing items with a condition as new, the condition note is not required. The fields that are not required include the Title, Rank, Cost Per Unit, Supplier, Date Purchased, Tax Code, etc.
For the Condition, you would use the number equivalent instead. For example Very Good would equal 2. Here are the list for the others.
For Product Type use the number equivalent instead. For example, enter 1 if using ASIN. Here are the others.
Step 2
Save the excel file as a Tab delimited Text (.txt)
Step 3
On ScanLister, select import on the bottom of the main screen. Then select import from excel. Select your .txt file that you just saved.
This method works well if you already have a list of Product IDs and MSKU numbers that need to match. The downside is you will not get some product information on ScanLister such as the Title, Rank, Product Group, etc. If you have a list of product IDs, you can also use our Batch Listing Method. This method is a bit simpler plus you will get all the product information on ScanLister.
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